Shorebirds or Waders

Shorebirds or waders. The Black-tailed godwit is critical threatened in Norway. According to the documentation, there are only a few hundred couples in Norway.

Limosa limosaBlack-tailed godwitSvarthalespove
Numenius arquataEurasian curlewStorspove
Limosa lapponicaBar-tailed godwitLappspove
Tringa nebulariaCommon greenshankGluttsnipe
Calidris canutusRed knotPolarsnipe
T⁠ringa ochropusGreen sandpiperSkogsnipe
Calidris alpinaDunlinMyrsnipe
Actitis hypoleucosCommon sandpiperStrandsnipe
Tringa totanusCommon redshankRødstilk
Tringa glareolaWood sandpipeGrønnstilk
Vanellus vanellusNorthern lapwingVipe

Black-tailed godwit

Bar-tailed godwit

Eurasian curlew

Common greenshank

Red knot

Green sandpiper

Common redshank

Wood sandpiper

Common sandpiper

Northern lapwing

Last modified December 18, 2024: update (f7f70dd)